Friday, April 22, 2011

It Is Finished

     This being the Easter season, I stopped, as many others did today, and reflected on the great sacrifice that Christ made for me on Calvary.  I reviewed the events that unfolded from His betrayal until His death.  And while many things stuck out to me, it was those last three words of our Savior that hit me the hardest today, "It is finished".  In our English language it is translated into three words, in the Greek, it is just one word, tetelestai.  And what a word it is!  The job has been completed!  Christ came to this earth to complete a task, and He competed it.  Jesus, Himself, said that He came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and give His life a ransom for many. That is the job that He completed that day when He cried out It is finished.  The sacrifice has been made, It is finished.  The sin debt has been paid in full, It is finished.  There was no more work to be done, It was finished.  And it was at that point, that He bowed His head and gave up the ghost.  Christ did what no one else could do, He took our sin and punishment upon Himself, and washed our sin away.  And then, when the work was completed He made that cry of completion, It is finished!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Looking Back at our Revival Meetings with Evangelist Chuck Cofty

    We had a wonderful week of meetings with Brother Cofty.  I believe that God truly met with us.  We were able to see souls saved, and make decisions to walk closer with God.  That is what revival is all about.  It is a return to the Lord.  It was such a blessing to see the altar full with people who wanted to do business with the Lord!  We have gained ground this week for the Lord, and we must never surrender what we have gained, but we must continue to move forward in our service for Him.  Pray for those that trusted Christ this week, that they would continue to grow and follow the Lord in the next steps of obedience.  Pray for the decisions that were made, that they would hold fast.  Thank you for your faithfulness to the house of the Lord this past week.  May the Lord bless you as you have made Him a priority in your life!  Lord willing, Dr. Cofty will be with us again in 2013.  We look forward to what the Lord is going to do in our lives and church, because of the ground that we have gained this past week!

Looking unto Jesus,
Pastor Thomas