Wednesday, February 13, 2013


     While in Florida this last week I noticed a lizard on the door adjacent to our room.  Thinking my girls would like to see it, I tried to catch it.  When I did, the lizard jumped to the ground and ran underneath my shoe.  I crouched down and got into position to catch the lizard.  When I moved my foot the lizard was gone.  It had disappeared.  I checked the bush near me, and the grass in the area, but the lizard was nowhere to be found.  Two and a half hours later, I was sitting in Pastor Ryan Livingston's living room when I felt  something crawling on my knee, underneath my slacks.  I grabbed whatever it was as fast as I could and stood up.  When I got to my feet, a lizard tail hit the floor and began to wiggle all over.  Mystery solved!  And what a surprise it was!  After a lot of work, I managed to get the lizard off of my leg and outside where it belonged.
     This surprise reminded me of Matthew 24.  Jesus was telling His disciples about the end times.  He did not want them to be surprised at the things that would unfold.  In verse 42 He said, "Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come."  Two verses later He said, "Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh."  Jesus wants us to be ready for His coming.  He would challenge His disciples to be busy doing what their Master had told them to do.  Imagine the terrible surprise to have the Lord return and find us doing all sorts of things but the main thing He told us to do.  There on the couch I was surprised by the lizard crawling up my leg.  Not really a surprise I enjoyed.  But an even worse thing, would be for Jesus to surprise me at His return and find me not obeying His command to go into all the world and preach the Gospel.  Let's heed his warning to watch and be ready!