Tuesday, September 10, 2013


     Some very tragic news has come out of Philadelphia this week as a 3 year old girl has died.  What makes the news so sad is the way that she died, which was by starvation.  At the time of her death, she weighed in at only 11lbs, approximately one third of a normal three year old.  There have been a few cases just like this one that have come out recently, and it blows my mind to think that someone can do this to a child that is under their care.
     But it also reminds me of many homes and churches where people are starving spiritually.  We provide people with entertainment instead of the nutrition that they need from God's Word.  Jesus, Himself, said,  "It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God."  It is important as leaders in our homes and churches that we give the Word of God out to those who are under our authority.  All over this nation there are people who are starving spiritually.  And just as this little girl's parents had a responsibility to provide for her needs, we too have a responsibility to provide for the spiritual needs of those around us.  Just as this girl's parents will be held accountable for how they took care of her, or in this case failed to take care of her, we will be held accountable by God for how we have fed His people that He placed within our care.  We have been commanded to "feed the flock", are we being obedient to this command?
     We need to feed our families by having family devotions, and prayer time together.  We feed our families by teaching them songs that have a Biblical emphasis.  We need to feed the people in our church by preaching the Word of God instead of our own opinions.  By proclaiming the truth of Scripture instead of merely telling stories.  By having Bible classes that dig down deep into the text, instead of dishing out a shallow faith.  Don't let those who are under your care starve to death spiritually.  Let's do what Jesus commands us to do, and that is feed His people.