Saturday, January 5, 2013

Each ONE Reach ONE

     A new year is upon us, with a new theme for the year.  We spent 2012 concentrating on “Looking unto Jesus”, and when we begin to draw close to Him, the things that He sees as important, we will see as important.  Jesus’ main concern while here on this earth, was the salvation of the lost, and that ought to be our main concern.
     This year our theme is “Each One Reach One”, based upon Christ’s love for the lost.  John chapter 1, gives us an account of one man who reached another man for Christ.  Andrew loved his brother enough, to tell him that he had found the Messiah.  Isn't there someone that you love enough to share with them the salvation that you have found?  Verse 42 tells us, “And he brought him to Jesus.”  My goal for you this year, is not to reach the whole world, or even your entire town, but to reach one person you know with the Gospel of Christ.  It might be a neighbor, friend, or coworker.  For Andrew, it was his brother.
     I want you to think of one person that you can reach this year.  Write their name down, and pray for them every day this year.  Make an effort to spend extra time with them this year.  Build the relationship that you already have with them, and look for opportunities to share the love of Christ with them.  We can’t personally win the world, but we can have an impact on one life.  Each One Reach One in 2013, who will you reach?

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