Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Are You Refusing To Save A Life?

     This week I read a news article that absolutely horrified me.  How a person could be so heartless as to stand by and just watch a person die without even trying to help.  Glenwood Gardens in Bakersfield, California is an independent living home.  An 87 year old woman named Lorraine Bayless collapsed in the dining room, and needed assistance.  A woman who identified herself as a nurse, called 911.  During the call she was instructed to perform CPR on Lorraine who lay dying near her to which she refused.  Reading through the phone conversation sends chills up my spine.  To think that someone who is supposed to help could be so cold to a person who needs help.
     Sadly, this nurse reminds me of many Christians.  Just like that nurse, our duty is to give people the help that they need.  People all around us are one breath away from death.  Eternal death.  Let that sink in.  They are just one breath away from eternity in the lake of fire.  They need our help.  Yet many of us are like that nurse that refuses to help.  That nurse knew what Lorraine needed.  She knew what could possibly save her life, and yet she just stood back and watched her die.  Even worse is the Christian who knows what his family needs.  They know what it is that their neighbor needs.  They understand what it is that their coworker needs.  And yet they stand by and do nothing.  They never bother to share eternal life with them.
     Before Jesus went back into heaven, he put His people on duty.  He gave us the responsibility to save lives all around us.  Christian, look around you.  Everyday, everywhere you go people are crying our for help.  They are searching for anyone who can give them what they truly need.  Are you refusing to save a life?  Who is it that Jesus would have you reach today?

1 comment:

  1. Very nice post. A lot of Christians need to listen to this. I Pray to the Lord everyday to give me strength and courage to talk to people about salvation. Its a struggle but nonetheless like you preached on Sunday, Jesus didnt say "when you are ready" or "when you feel like it" He SAID GO!!! Its time to get on fire for God and spread the Gospels
